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Lezingen, Workshops, Praktische Training Internationaal trainingsseminar
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Διαλέξεις Εργαστήρια Πρακτική Εκπαίδευση διεθνή σεμινάρια κατάρτισης
September 2018
Netherlands: Lecture with Jola Graczykowska 28. September 2018
Lecture on Original Play for people working in education and health-care. 28.9.2018 / 3-5 PM, Groningen (Netherlands) More info (in Dutch) on the web Registration
Find out more »October 2018
Germany: Lecture with Fred Donaldson 19. October 2018
Fred Donaldson describes how he discovered Original Play by playing with young children. In these Introductory Lectures, he talks in a personal and touching way about his diverse experiences playing with children ...
Find out more »November 2018
Switzerland: Lecture with Fred Donaldson and Jolanta Graczykowska 2. November 2018
Fred Donaldson describes how he discovered Original Play by playing with young children. In these Introductory Lectures, he talks in a personal and touching way about his diverse experiences playing with children, people in special life situations and wild animals. Through photos and films, he shows the audience how he plays with children, adolescents…
Find out more »Austria: Lecture with Fred Donaldson and Jolanta Graczykowska 23.11.2018
Fred Donaldson describes how he discovered Original Play by playing with young children. In these Lectures, Fred Donaldson and Jolanta Graczykowska talk in a personal and touching way about their diverse experiences playing with children, people in special life situations and wild animals. Through photos and films, they shows the audience how they play with…
Find out more »February 2019
Germany: Lecture and Introductory Workshop with Jolanta Graczykowska 22-24.2.2019
The purpose of this workshop is to introduce participants to the vision and practice of original play. The workshop introduces the dimensions of the original play relationship as taught by children and animals. This workshop will encourage you to make yourself accessible to children’s original play and re-discover play’s potential in your own life. Vortrag:…
Find out more »March 2019
Austria: Lecture with Fred Donaldson and Jolanta Graczykowska 22.3.2019
Fred Donaldson describes how he discovered Original Play by playing with young children. In these Introductory Lectures, Fred Donaldson and Jolanta Graczykowska talk in a personal and touching way about their diverse experiences playing with children, people in special life situations and wild animals. Through photos and films, they shows the audience how they play…
Find out more »The Netherlands: Lecture with Fred Donaldson and Jolanta Graczykowska 29.March 2019
Fred and Jola talk in a personal and touching way about their diverse experiences playing with children, people in special life situations and wild animals. Through photos and films, they shows the participants how they play with children, adolescents and animals, and answer questions from the participants. Find out more about this event on the…
Find out more »April 2019
Austria: Lecture with Fred Donaldson and Jolanta Graczykowska 5.4.2019
Fred Donaldson describes how he discovered Original Play by playing with young children. In these Introductory Lectures, Fred Donaldson and Jolanta Graczykowska talk in a personal and touching way about their diverse experiences playing with children, people in special life situations and wild animals. Through photos and films, they shows the audience how they play…
Find out more »Austria: Lecture with Fred Donaldson and Jolanta Graczykowska 26. april 2019
Fred Donaldson describes how he discovered Original Play by playing with young children. In these Introductory Lectures, Fred Donaldson and Jolanta Graczykowska talk in a personal and touching way about their diverse experiences playing with children, people in special life situations and wild animals. Through photos and films, they shows the audience how they play…
Find out more »May 2019
Deutschland: Vortrag und Einführungsworkshop mit Fred Donaldson und Jolanta Graczykowska 10.-12.5.2019
Das Ziel dieses Workshops ist es, die Teilnehmenden in die Vision und Praxis des Ursprünglichen Spiels einzuführen. Dieser Workshop wird Sie dazu ermutigen, sich für das ursprüngliche Spiel von Kindern zu öffnen und das Potenzial des Spiels im eigenen Leben wieder zu entdecken. Vortrag: 10.5.2019, 19:30 bis 21:00 Uhr Workshop: 11.5.2019 und 12.5.2019, vorraussichtlich 10:00…
Find out more »Deutschland: Vortrag und Einführungsworkshop mit Fred Donaldson und Jolanta Graczykowska 10.-12.5.2019 Copy
Das Ziel dieses Workshops ist es, die Teilnehmenden in die Vision und Praxis des Ursprünglichen Spiels einzuführen. Dieser Workshop wird Sie dazu ermutigen, sich für das ursprüngliche Spiel von Kindern zu öffnen und das Potenzial des Spiels im eigenen Leben wieder zu entdecken. Vortrag: 10.5.2019, 19:30 bis 21:00 Uhr Workshop: 11.5.2019 und 12.5.2019, vorraussichtlich 10:00…
Find out more »Czech Republic: Lecture with Fred Donaldson 17 May 2019
Fred Donaldson describes how he discovered Original Play by playing with young children. In these Introductory Lectures, Fred Donaldson talk in a personal and touching way about their diverse experiences playing with children, people in special life situations and wild animals. Through photos and films, they shows the audience how they play with children, adolescents…
Find out more »October 2019
Österreich, Wien: Vortrag mit Fred Donaldson beim Kongress „Ökologie der Kindheit“, 5.-6.10.2019
Kosten: € 299,- (Vorverkauf) / € 368,- für den gesamten Kongress Info und Anmeldung: https://www.oekologiederkindheit.com/ Bei diesem Kongress wird neben ReferentInnen wie Arno Stern, Andre Stern, Katja Saalfrank und Gerald Hüther auch Fred Donaldson seinen Beitrag zum Thema ‚Ökologie der Kindheit – eine neue Haltung‘ referieren: The Child’s Mind is the Only Mind Worth Having. Fred Donaldson schildert, wie…
Find out more »Österreich, Linz: Vortrag mit Fred Donaldson im Rahmen der Kindertagung des VPA „Resilienz für Individuum und Gruppe aus dem ursprünglichen Spiel“, 12.10.2019:
Vortrag im Rahmen der Kindertagung des VPA, Verein für Psychosoziale und Psychotherapeutische Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung, 11. bis 12.10.2019 in Linz „unterfordert – überfordert – gefordert“ Interdisziplinäre Fachtagung für alle, die in unterschiedlichen Kontexten mit Kindern und Jugendlichen therapeutisch, beratend oder betreuend tätig sind Fred Donaldson widmet sich in diesem Vortrag speziell dem Thema Resilienz und…
Find out more »January 2020
Austria: Lecture with Jolanta Graczykowska 24. January 2020
In these Introductory Lecture, Jolanta Graczykowska talks in a personal and touching way about her diverse experiences playing with children and people in special life situations. Through photos and films, she shows the audience how she is playing with children and answers questions from the audience. More informations on the Austrian website More informations per…
Find out more »March 2020
Austria: Lecture with Fred Donaldson, 20. March 2020 – CANCELED!
Fred Donaldson describes how he discovered Original Play by playing with young children. In these Introductory Lectures, Fred Donaldson talks in a personal and touching way about his diverse experiences playing with children, people in special life situations and wild animals. Through photos and films, he shows the audience how he plays with children, adolescents…
Find out more »November 2021
Austria: Lecture with Fred Donaldson and Jolanta Graczykowska, 19.11.2021
Fred Donaldson describes how he discovered Original Play by playing with young children. In these Introductory Lectures, Fred Donaldson talks in a personal and touching way about his diverse experiences playing with children, people in special life situations and wild animals. Through photos and films, he shows the audience how he plays with children, adolescents…
Find out more »May 2022
Austria: lecture and introductory workshop with Fred Donaldson and Jolanta Graczykowska, 27. – 29.5.2022
The purpose of this workshop is to introduce participants to the vision and practice of original play. The workshop introduces the dimensions of the original play relationship as taught by children and animals. This workshop will encourage you to make yourself accessible to children’s original play and re-discover play’s potential in your own life. Register…
Find out more »January 2023
Austria: lecture and introductory workshop with Fred Donaldson and Jolanta Graczykowska, 13. – 15.1.2023
The purpose of this workshop is to introduce participants to the vision and practice of original play. The workshop introduces the dimensions of the original play relationship as taught by children and animals. This workshop will encourage you to make yourself accessible to children’s original play and re-discover play’s potential in your own life. Fr,…
Find out more »Event Categories
Sort by Country: Austria Germany Netherlands Poland Sweden Switzerland Greece Czech Republic
Sort by Category: Lectures, Workshops, Practical Trainings, International Training Seminars
Nach Land sortieren: Deutschland Österreich Schweiz
Nach Kategorie sortieren: Vorträge Workshops Praktische Trainings Internationale Trainingsseminare
Sorteer op categorie:
Lezingen, Workshops, Praktische Training Internationaal trainingsseminar
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Föredrag Verkstäder Praktisk träning Internationellt träningsseminarium
Ταξινόμηση κατά κατηγορίες:
Διαλέξεις Εργαστήρια Πρακτική Εκπαίδευση διεθνή σεμινάρια κατάρτισης