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Sort by Category: Lectures, Workshops, Practical Trainings, International Training Seminars
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Lezingen, Workshops, Praktische Training Internationaal trainingsseminar
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Föredrag Verkstäder Praktisk träning Internationellt träningsseminarium
Ταξινόμηση κατά κατηγορίες:
Διαλέξεις Εργαστήρια Πρακτική Εκπαίδευση διεθνή σεμινάρια κατάρτισης
May 2018
Poland: International Basic Training Seminar with Fred Donaldson and Jolanta Graczykowska 23.-25. May 2018
Place: Poland, Warsaw Registration and contact: jola@originalplay.pl At least one workshop and play with children are prerequisites for this seminar. The purpose of the basic training seminar is twofold: (1) to give participants a mentored and intense play experience with a variety of children in different circumstances, and (2) provide an opportunity for persons from around Europe interested…
Find out more »December 2018
Poland: International Basic Training Seminar with Fred Donaldson and Jola Graczykowska, 3 – 5 December 2018
At least one workshop and play with children are prerequisites for this seminar. The purpose of the basic training seminar is twofold: (1) to give participants a mentored and intense play experience with ...
Find out more »May 2019
Poland: International Basic Training Seminar with Fred Donaldson and Jola Graczykowska, 22.-24.5.2019
At least one workshop and play with children are prerequisites for this seminar. The purpose of the basic training seminar is twofold: (1) to give participants a mentored and intense play experience with ...
Find out more »June 2019
Poland: International Advanced Training Seminar with Fred Donaldson and Jola Graczykowska, 13.-14.6.2019
At least two workshops, the basic seminar and play with children are prerequisites for this seminar. The purpose of the advanced training seminar is twofold: (1) to increase participants responsibility in a mentored and intense play experience with a variety of children in different circumstances, and (2) provide additional opportunities for persons from around Europe…
Find out more »December 2019
Poland: Basic Training Seminar with Jola Graczykowska, 4 – 6 December 2019
At least one workshop and play with children are prerequisites for this seminar. The purpose of the basic training seminar is twofold: (1) to give participants a mentored and intense play experience with a variety of children in different circumstances, and (2) provide an opportunity for persons from around Europe interested in original play to…
Find out more »May 2023
International Basic Training Seminar
The program of basic training seminar May 24- 26, 2023 includes intensive workshop improving the skills of using play and play session with kids. First day of seminar we will go through some exercises and discuss issues related to the use of play in work and childcare. Next two days we will visit kindergartens, integration kindergarten, private kindergartens and…
Find out more »Międzynarodowe Podstawowe Praktyczne Seminarium Original Play
W programie praktycznego seminarium 24-26.05.2023 r. jest warsztat doskonalący umiejętności zastosowania zabawy pierwotnej i zajęcia z dziećmi. Warsztat opierać się będzie na ćwiczeniach praktycznych. Omówione zostaną podstawowe kwestie związane z zastosowaniem zabawy w pracy i opiece nad dziećmi. W ciągu kolejnych dwóch dni odwiedzimy przedszkola, integracyjne, prywatne przedszkola i szkoły, szkołę podstawową i szkołę specjalną.…
Find out more »International Basic Training Seminar with Jolanta Graczykowska, 24 – 26.05.2023
24.05.2023 / 3h Workshop 25.05.2023 / 3h Spielsitzungen, 1h Nachbesprechung 26.05.2023 / 4h Spielsitzungen, 1h Nachbesprechung Das Basic Training Seminar von 24. bis 26. Mai 2023 beinhaltet einen Intensiv-Workshop zur Verbesserung der Fähigkeiten in der Verwendung von Original Play. Wir werden einige Übungen durchgehen und Fragen in Bezug auf den Einsatz von Spiel in der…
Find out more »October 2023
Międzynarodowe Podstawowe Praktyczne Seminarium Original Play
Międzynarodowe Podstawowe Praktyczne Seminarium Original Play 16.10.2023: 3 godz. warsztat 17.10.2023: 3 godz. zajęć z dziećmi, 1 godz. omówienia praktyki 18.10.2023: 4 godz. zajęć z dziećmi, 1 godz. omówienia praktyki. Program praktycznego seminarium 16-18.10.2023 r. zawiera warsztat doskonalący umiejętności zastosowania zabawy pierwotnej i zajęcia z dziećmi. Warsztat opierać się będzie na ćwiczeniach praktycznych. Omówione zostaną…
Find out more »International Basic Training Seminar
International Basic Training Seminar 16.10.2023/3h of workshop 17.10.2023/ 3 h of play sessions, 1h of discussion 18.10.2023/4h of play session, 1 h of discussion The program of basic seminar October 16- 18, 2023 includes intensive workshop improving the skills of using play. We will go through some exercises and discuss issues related to the use of…
Find out more »March 2024
International Basic Training Seminar, Warsaw 18-20.03.2024
International Basic Training Seminar 18.03.2024/3h of workshop 19.03.2024/ 3 h of play sessions, 1h of discussion 20.03.2024/4h of play session, 1 h of discussion The program of basic seminar March 18-20, 2024 includes intensive workshop improving the skills of using play. We will go through some exercises and discuss issues related to the use of play…
Find out more »Event Categories
Sort by Country: Austria Germany Netherlands Poland Sweden Switzerland Greece Czech Republic
Sort by Category: Lectures, Workshops, Practical Trainings, International Training Seminars
Nach Land sortieren: Deutschland Österreich Schweiz
Nach Kategorie sortieren: Vorträge Workshops Praktische Trainings Internationale Trainingsseminare
Sorteer op categorie:
Lezingen, Workshops, Praktische Training Internationaal trainingsseminar
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Sortera efter kategori:
Föredrag Verkstäder Praktisk träning Internationellt träningsseminarium
Ταξινόμηση κατά κατηγορίες:
Διαλέξεις Εργαστήρια Πρακτική Εκπαίδευση διεθνή σεμινάρια κατάρτισης